The author, student of theatrical science of the Charles University in Prague, is dealing with the reconstruction of the play by Jozef Gregor Tajovsky 'Death of Durko Langsfeld' in the National Theatre in Prague. A solemn opening night of the historically first Slovak play performed in the 'little golden chapel' took place on 21st May 1932 (which means 16 year after the Czecho-Slovak Republic origination !) under the title 'Usvit nad Slovenskem' (Dawn above Slovakia). Own reconstruction is also a reflection on a narrow rate of representative art and poetics. A research activity of the author was focused mainly on work with sources, since in no synthetic work can be found almost anything about the play realisation. No monography was dedicated to this issue. This is why the author is pointing at contingencies which had accompanied the play introduction into the repertoir, and is subsequently mentioning differences between the resulting text used in a staging and the Tajovsky's version from 1923. The centre of the study is analysis of staging production and respective components of the staging, as well as reactions on staging published in media. In the annex the author is indicating the register of staging–producers, a record of scenic music and samples a preserved documentation.