The consecutive parts of the article are devoted to the ethnic transformations of Ukraine and in particular to the changes in the number and distribution of the population of Ukrainian nationality. The initial statistical analysis is based on the results of the Soviet population censuses. Attention is paid to the processes of Rusification and Sovietisation, taking place then. The subsequent part of the analysis concerns the ethnic transformations in the sovereign Ukraine, when the number of inhabitants declaring the Russian nationality dropped by more than three million. In the consecutive part of the article the number of the Ukrainian population, distributed over the territory of the former USSR is determined. In the final part of the paper attention was attracted to the fact that the deep ethnic transformations having occurred in the territory of Ukraine had political reasons. They resulted in the far-reaching changes in the consciousness of the inhabitants. These changes encompassed millions of Ukrainians and Russians, as well as people living within the borderland of the Ukrainian and Russian culture and language.