The paper is part of research carried out by the author in 2007 in relation to the dynamics of the functioning of informal groups within middle schools. The information obtained from the research regarding group norms biding in informal communities, which include the examined middle scholars, allowed determining the group member model which they prefer. It can be considered an element of the group's normative control, determining the behavior of its members, as well as a kind of pass for the candidates, exhibiting character traits preferred in the group. From the obtained results it follows that the analyzed youth values most traits that make a good friend (extending help, possessing positive character features, straightforwardness, friendliness, honesty). Having one's own opinion, a serious attitude towards education and social activity help fulfilling the tasks related to school obligations and are highly valued by over 50% of the examined students in their informal groups. Slightly fewer middle scholars declared to prefer traits helping an individual to function within a group (courage, strength, lack of fear, good mood, anti-social activities-theft, cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol). It appears that knowing the traits that middle school students would like to observe in their peers from the informal group can be perceived as a factor helping teachers to understand many of group mechanisms and optimize their educational influence, making it more adequate.