The paper is presenting results of experiment in harvesting by means of an early medieval sickle replica. From a group of sickle-shaped artefacts dated to the Early Middle Ages in Slovakia, the so-called corn sickles can be singled out, which have specific features documenting their primary harvesting function. Within this group two types of corn sickles occur: sickle with serrated blade edge and sickle with plain blade edge. The experiment task was verification of defining of the so-called corn sickle group and of their typology as well. The first step was reconstruction of the both sickle types production, searching for different production methods or different demands of their production. The next experiment, the harvesting by means of the both types of sickle replicas would help reconstructing the harvesting. The goal was to observe different ways of grain harvesting depending on the sickle type. In connection with this problem other questions concerning the harvesting are relevant too, such as the crop height in dependence on the kind of corn or the type of sickle. Analysis of archaeological material, study of iconographic sources and ethnographic parallels first of all are aimed to make the results of this work even more effective.