3 The paper analyzes function, diversity, and the evolution of social norms and moral intuitions that play an important role in the process of important societal issues judgement. On the basis of the results from a representative survey it analyzes responses to seven polarized discourses relating to the topical social issues. Concretely: 1. large vs. small measure of the state's involvement in providing help for its citizens; 2. inviolability of private property vs. state's activities in public interest; 3. woman's reproductive rights (including the right to choose abortion) vs. the right of a foetus to life, 4. right to euthanasia, 5. legal vs. illegal means used by citizens trying to meet their requirements; 6. ecological vs. economic positions in state investments; 7. progressive vs. flat tax. Results that are analyzed are those in which statistically relevant differences between demographical characteristics of population, such as the level of education, age, gender, nationality, religion, income, the size of settlement as well as election preferences, were shown. In addition to the results obtained, focus is on the role of moral intuitions in judging polarized topics. The aim of this paper is to emphasize that in addition to rational arguments and deliberation, the way of their presentation, rhetoric, which can evoke in different emotional reactions of people. Also tendency to different answers are very important for framing and solving social problems.