Two spheres of social regulation are analysed in the study: the environment protection and agriculture. In the last decades, both of these areas have become frequently discussed topics in the media and in the public debates. Representatives of the environmental movements as well as the scientists have played an important role in promoting an environmental agenda in the political arena. The environmental aspects of the human activities have been incorporated into many legislative acts and regulations. The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has also been modified to fulfil the environmental requirements. The new concept of multifunctional agriculture, introduced in the reformed CAP, aspires to reflect the principle of sustainable development that seeks to take the economical, social, and environmental facets of agriculture equally into consideration. Focusing on the case of northern Slovakia, we analysed the context of launching the reformed CAP into agricultural practice using the example of the implementation of agro-environmental measures. Drawing on interviews with local farmers, we conclude that the main barrier to enlarging the participation in agro-environmental schemes is not due to the farmers' attitude to environmental or economic aspects, but to the social conditions of their agricultural enterprise.