(Polish title: Aktywnosc polityczno-wojskowa radykalnej lewicy polskiej w rozstrzygajacym okresie wojny polsko-bolszewickiej (lipiec - wrzesien 1920 roku). When in July 1920 forces of the Western Front initiated offensive actions against Polish forces, the Bolsheviks not only shattered the outcomes of the preceding attack of Polish-Ukrainian armed forces from the turn of April and May, but they also obtained the possibility to materialize the plan to impose 'the power of the councils ' in the country by the Vistula River. The 'government ' established by Polish comrades-in-arms of Vladimir Lenin, which was formally constituted on 30 July in Bialystok, constituted the tool that army commissioners decided to use in the course of revolutionary war conducted by the Red Army against Poles. This government functioned under the name of Temporary Revolutionary Committee of Poland, and it was colloquially called 'Polrewkom '. The proclamation issued by the organ informed about seizing the power in the country and creating the Polish Soviet Socialist Republic. In practice this meant that the Communist Workers' Party of Poland supported by armed forces of our eastern neighbour aimed to limit the Polish territory and transform its remaining part into union republic of the Soviet state constructed by the Bolsheviks. What constituted a considerable obstacle in the realization of the objectives determined by protectors from Moscow for Polrewkom was the paucity of personnel being at the disposal on areas seized by the Red Army soldiers, as well as too low level of revolutionization among Poles. These circumstances, in connection with defeats of the Red Army in Battle of Warsaw and Battle of the Niemen River, crossed out the possibility to establish communist regime on Polish lands for more than 20 years. Its initiators could return to this project, in a modified form, only in the year 1944.