The emergence of self-governed communes meant that local communities began to be treated as subjects and communes became organizations whose development depends chiefly on the active attitudes and creativity of local communities. The conducted research has indicated that local development depends chiefly on the enterprising character and competencies of persons forming self-government bodies in individual communes. Differences between the communes, especially the evident polarisation in terms of development of infrastructure and investment outlays, are a proof of developing independence but they also reveal the faults and shortcomings of local democracy, particularly those observable in the practical implementation of the principles of creation of the local administrative elite. The conducted research has made it possible to state that the competencies of persons holding positions in the self-government organs are evolving towards the use of personal features for the purpose of participation in the redistribution of benefits that can be obtained thanks to fulfilling a public function. Also the amount of means allocated to investments and the use of this factor in shaping a system of incentives and as a criterion of selection of persons to posts in bodies administering the communes are the cause of their polarization. This is the reason why there exist in the analysed region communes that occupy very high and very low positions in the national rankings although they have similar geographical and natural conditions.