First re-conservation treatment of selected objects was carried out in 1996. To protect the footwear a composition consisting of glycerine with sterinole admixture was applied. In conservation history glycerine predominated for a long time; there were periods when it was given up and then conservators returned to it again. The most often 59% concentration of glycerine in water was used. That method protected artifacts from drying up, what prevented their shrinkage and deformation. However, during drying process water was not completely removed, which caused clear change in color, leading to objects' darkening. Although leather was flexible after that treatment, they could be bent and formed enabling reconstruction, they were sticky attracting dirt, which again was undesirable effect, particularly for objects exposed in museum display cases. Moreover high concentration of glycerine in the impregnant created microbiological threat. In the 90's of 20th century, when our chosen leather objects were conserved for the first time that method was one of few, thanks to which the artifacts had a chance to survive for many years. Today, however, when advance in science has made it possible to elaborate new methods, there is a possibility of performing next conservation treatment. The attempt was taken up to check if another impregnation process will improve flexibility properties of leather and whether it is generally possible.