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2018 | nr 2 | 65--82

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Artificial intelligence at universities in Poland


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Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are one of top investment priorities in these days. They are aimed at finding applications in fields of special value for humans, including education. Chatbots are one of those AI-driven solutions that support learning and teaching processes also in higher education institutions. In this paper there are presented two cases of chatbot technology implementation at Polish universities. Chatbots develop students’ technical and programming skills, but also provide the possibility of gaining linguistic expertise. However, a chatbot’s teaching mastery depends also on its users. That is why it is important to get students to truly understand AI systems and feel responsible for the conversation. But above all, we should ensure that chatbots respect human and civil rights.





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Bibliogr. 62 poz.


  • Silesian University of Technology
  • HEC Paris in Qatar, PO Box 5825, Doha, Qatar


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