The article takes up the issue of inter-group relations from the perspective of historical psychology. The research follows texts from ancient Israel, that is, the Hebrew Old Testament, in which the change in attitude of the Israeli community towards criminals is noticeable. Two periods of history were taken into consideration, deciding about the change in attitude facing the changed groups: a period of stability in government (X-IX B.C.) and a period of the fall of government (VIII-VI B.C.). The research also focuses on two types of religious texts: the Pentateuch, meaning texts of a legal nature and the Psalms, which are texts of a prayerful nature. Usage was made of a method used to analyze linguistics from the works of German psychologist S. Ertel (analyzes of the frequency of words) when applied in both types of texts, in two different historical periods, the method confirmed the fundamental changes in the perception of the above-mentioned groups.