Research reported in this paper has been inspired by two different approaches to the cultural dimension of masculinity-femininity - one by Hofstede and the other by Boski. The authors' intention was to study culture of gender by measuring (i) subjective frequency distribution of gender roles in individual's social space; and (ii) gender identities with respect to these roles. The results are based on two comparative studies, conducted with use of the social roles questionnaire by Chojnowska and the value survey by Boski. The first study was carried out with samples of Polish and Italian participants, while the second was run with Polish and German subjects. Findings indicated that the social space of Poles was more feminine than that of Italians and Germans; and it held equally for domestic and for professional roles. Poles also polarized gender roles to a much larger degree than did participants of two other cultures. In the first study, Italian males turned out to have highest indices of gender identity, whereas Polish females showed highest gender identity in the Polish-German study. By strong negative correlations with cultural masculinity indices, the expected relationship between humanism and cultural femininity was also confirmed.