As from May 1, 2004 the new member states of the European Union became covered by assistance financed from the organisation's general budget. The means for this assistance are drawn from structural funds (the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance) and the Cohesion Fund. In 2004-2006 the means available from the structural funds will be allocated in the EU's new member states mainly to the development of infrastructure, improvement in the quality of human resources and in the production environment. Means from the Cohesion Fund will be used in these countries for co-financing investment projects in the sphere of environmental protection and investments serving the construction of trans-European transport routes. The experience of the poorer EU countries (Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal) shows that the use of means coming from the EU budget contributes to growth in GDP, investment outlays and employment as well as to a decrease in the rate of unemployment, a rise in the level of education of the working population, etc. The use of means from the EU budget can be expected to lead to positive changes also in the new member states and help diminish the disproportion in the level of development of the new member states and that of the old fifteen EU countries.