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2007 | 8 | 95-109

Article title


Title variants

„Stragan dobrych rad” – etnograficzny opis wydarzenia

Languages of publication



The Festival of Science and Arts was organized in Zielona Góra by the University of Zielona Góra in May 2006. The Section of Counseling at the Institute of Social Pedagogy (both the teachers and students) prepared 'The Stall of Good Advise'. The stall was a kind of provocation to generate and continue a free discussion on counseling. It was a chance to find out what people thought about counseling, what counseling was for them, what place counseling took in their life and where and how they experienced it. This text is an attempt to use field research for ethnographic analysis and interpretation of a section of reality caught for a moment, for which counseling became an essential thread. The text consists of 3 parts: part one is the analysis of the idea of 'The Stall of Good Advice' itself and the events which occurred on the Sunday afternoon; part two is a presentation of possible interpretation of phenomena connected with counseling which were experienced, lived through, and described by the participants of the provocation organized by the creators of the Stall; part three is an attempt to grasp and describe a complex process of emerging counselors in particular circumstances, which is also a summary of the events provoked by 'The Stall of Good Advice' which were experienced and reflected on.






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  • E. Siarkiewicz, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydzial Nauk Pedagogicznych i Spolecznych, Zaklad Pedagogiki Spolecznej, ul. Energetyków 2, 65-001 Zielona Góra, Poland


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Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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