The paper deals with the topic of gender equality perception in Slovakia. As an EU member since May 2004, Slovakia has introduced many anti discriminatory measures as a part of the accession process. An important part in the evaluation of the success rate of such measures is the collection of gender sensitive data. This study works with such data collected by a project supported by the EQUAL initiative. A comparison of public opinion perception of gender based inequalities in the Slovak labour market between 2002 and 2006 shows a relatively stable picture although some shifts towards the more 'household work doing men' and a dual career family can be observed. Even though the feeling that women assert their rights more is stronger then in 2002 some paradoxes do exist. Contrary to the EU average the public opinion in Slovakia sees the NGOs and the EU as the combatants of the discrimination rather than the national governments or the parliament. The article concludes with an appeal for collecting of sex segregated data and gender statistics as it sees them being essential for social theory building as well as for better social policy decisions.