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2011 | 2(339) | 101-135

Article title

TREATY PROVISIONS AND AGREEMENTS IN THE CULTURAL SPHERE (1990-2010) (Wspólpraca kulturalna w swietle zapisów traktatowych i umów (1990-2010))

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The transformation of the political and economic system in Poland in the 1990s set the development of cultural cooperation between Poland and Germany on a new basis, opening greater possibilities of dialog before local administration, cultural institutions and private persons. A formal basis for the realization of cultural cooperation and exchange was provided by: provisions of the treaty on good neighbors and friendly cooperation of 1991, agreement on cultural cooperation between the two countries of 1997, and numerous agreements signed between authorities on the level of provinces, districts and townships, as well as agreements on partnership between cities and schools, particular cultural institutions, etc. An essential role in the shaping of cultural dialog was played by the embassies of both countries (in Berlin and Warsaw), the Polish consulates in Germany (Munich, Cologne and Hamburg) and the German consulates in Poland (Wroclaw, Kraków, Gdansk), as well as Polish Institutes: in Berlin (with its branch in Lipsk) and Düsseldorf, the Deutsches Polen-Institut in Darmstadt, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw, the agencies of the Goethe-Institut in Warsaw and Kraków, the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and others. An important factor in implementing the provisions of the treaty and agreements was the direct involvement of numerous persons and subjects in activities aimed at continuing and developing cooperation in the cultural sphere.






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  • Maria Waginska-Marzec, Instytut Zachodni, Instytut Naukowo-Badawczy, 61-854 Poznan, ul. Mostowa 27, Poland


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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