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2009 | 10 | 257-270

Article title

GERMAN SOCIOCULTURAL PROJECTS AS EDUCATIONAL SPACE FOR MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Niemieckie projekty socjokulturalne przestrzenia edukacji dla spoleczenstwa wielokulturowego)

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The paper presents German sociocultural projects aimed at education to life in a multicultural society. The authoress begins by describing three main concepts of German intercultural education: pedagogy for foreigners, pedagogy of intercultural encounter and intercultural learning. These concepts are closely related to the sphere of practice, with some interesting examples of them found in the field of sociocultural project work. According to the authoress a sociocultural project refers to an undertaking that is organized, planned, complex, limited in terms of time and, in addition, helps to develop and foster interpersonal communication, creativity, social participation and integration. This method, based on participants' activity, is closely related to their everyday life and addresses current social and political issues. At the end, she describes exemplary sociocultural projects that execute the three aforementioned concepts of intercultural education.






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Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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