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2008 | 9 | 223-231

Article title


Title variants

Metoda etnograficzna jako perspektywa poznawania niektórych zjawisk pedagogicznych

Languages of publication



The paper attempts to present various aspects of ethnographic analysis for implementing interpretative (qualitative) research in pedagogy. The authoress seeks to answer the following questions: in what way the methodology used in ethnographic research is applicable in pedagogy? How can this method be used of in the analysis of the functioning of educational institution? The discussion is presented in the context of her research on cultural changes in the Voluntary Work Organization . The article discusses the forms in which the methodology used in ethnographic research can be adopted to pedagogy and described as ethnopedagogy, ethnography of education or a research method analysing selected aspects in eductaion with no special label attached. The authoress is in favour of the last mentioned approach in pedagogical research since it allows for fixing the status if the ethnographic method in pedagogy. She highlights the advantages of the method as a perspective for analyzing various situations in education and lllustrating her considerations with interpretative instances of ethnographic researach in pedagogy. The paper reflects on the tendency observed in research methodology literature to equate ethnography with observation, which according to the authoress limits the ethnographic method and does not permit to present the reality analyzed in a broader context, treat the group analyzed as part of a culture or allow the researcher to be more reflective on the area analyzed.






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  • J. Klodkowska, Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza we Wroclawiu, Instytut Pedagogiki, Zaklad Pedagogiki Spolecznej i Poradoznawstwa, ul. Strzegomska 55, 53-611 Wroclaw, Poland


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Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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