Joane Petrizi (the 12th century) and Berthold of Moosburg (the 14thcentury) chose Proclus Diadochos's 'Elementatio theologica' as the main source for their commentator activities and philosophy. The ways and methods of perception of Proclus were different in Georgian and Byzantine tradition and the Latin West. Until recently the study of Proclus's reception was different in Georgian and German academic world as well. Today Europe-centrism is more and more frequently criticized in the western philosophy and, to this extent the research of Berthold's and generally, Proclus's reception acquires new boundaries in Georgia (Tengiz Iremadze). On the other hand, the role of Petrizi is being estimated completely differently in the context of Proclus's reception and thus the studies acquire intercultural character (Burkhard Mojsisch, Udo Reinhold Jeck).