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2006 | 1 | 103-116

Article title

Baroque inversion in 'Kanikula' and 'Lutnia' by Jan Andrzej Morsztyn


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Inversion uses change so called natural (neutral) order of words in a sentence for stylistic purposes and as such is especially useful in studies of poetry. The author analyses inversive nominal phrases in baroque poetry (basing on 'Kanikula' and 'Lutnia' by J. A. Morsztyn). Inversion as a linguistic phenomenon consists in linear extension of textual structures or in transforming basic (initial) linear variants of a given syntactic structure. Extension and transforming are achieved by using a permutation - which means here a transformative rule that changes the linear variant (normative and unmarked) into a different word order - not normative and stylistically marked. There are four types of inversive permutations in nominal phrases (considering types of changes of order): 1. extending, 2. modifying 3. mutational and 4. cumulative. Extending permutations results in replacing of continuous syntactic structures by uncontinuous structures because the elements of a group are moved to far preposition or postposition. Modifying transformations change basic linear structures into variants of orders without changing internal structure of normative systems, i.e. without replacement of configurational systems by other configurational systems or concentric systems by other concentric systems. Mutational permutations change basic linear models in a way that they break (destroy) normative order and introduce a completely new one in its place - they replace concentric systems by configurational, and configurational by nonconfigurational (circumposition and transposition). Cumulative permutations are combinations of modifying or mutational transformation and extending transformation. In the last part of the article the author shows how baroque poetry of J.A. Morsztyn is filled with different types of inversion.


  • W. Sliwinski, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydzial Polonistyki, ul. Golebia 20, 31-007 Kraków, Poland


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