The main aim of this paper is to present the concepts of the EU agricultural basic support mechanisms directions' changes accepted within 'Health Check' review and their evaluation in view of the EU agricultural markets stabilisation. The focus is on those aspects of medium-term review which in the authors' view are crucial to further EU agricultural development. It is concluded that the EU farming because of its specific character should still be supported and should not be fully subjected to market rules, while preserving its common character. The support reorientation from one market to single payments is assessed positively as a more efficient method of stabilising farm incomes. A step in the right direction is the strengthening the financing of rural areas via the modulation system, because the II Pillar plays an important modernisation and pro-development role and meets social expectations. In view of new challenges it is necessary to implement efficient methods of risk management, such as: the new insurance against natural disasters and animals' diseases insurance.