The second part of the paper demonstrates the methodological aspects of goal measurement: different methods of evaluation and issues of reliability and validity. Personal goal assessment is a multi-stage process, ideal for assessing the content as well as affective and cognitive aspects of personally significant projects and strivings. This process will be demonstrated on the data of a sample of 512 adult S's who participated in a questionnaire study. Two goal assessment methods were compared: autonomous and controlled motivation of personal project pursuit (perceived locus of causality, Sheldon, Elliot, 1999) and importance of intrinsic and extrinsic life goals (Short Aspiration Index). Results indicate both measures' reliability as well as their convergent and divergent validity. From the goals belonging to different levels of abstraction autonomous motivation moderately correlated with importance of intrinsic life goals, whereas controlled motivation moderately correlated with importance of extrinsic life goals. Autonomous and intrinsic character of goals was in positive, whereas controlled and extrinsic character of them was in negative relationship with psychological well-being (satisfaction with life and life meaning). However, in spite of the assumptions, no evidence was found that interaction between autonomous and intrinsic, as well as controlled and extrinsic variables would predict psychological well-being. On the whole, theoretical considerations as well as practical experiences point to the fact that goal assessment may be a useful, reliable and flexible tool for research and praxis as well.