The study is devoted to the participation of the notable Slovak writer Ľudovít Mistrík-Ondrejov in the aryanization of Jewish property in Slovakia in the period 1939–1945. The fact that Ľudovít Mistrík-Ondrejov profited from the aryanization of Jewish firms is relatively well-known and was already publicized in connection with the bookshop owning Steiner family, whose business Mistrík-Ondrejov aryanized. The present study is a comprehensive study of the aryanizing activities of Ľ. Mistrík-Ondrejov, covering not only the aryanization of the Steiner bookshop, but also of the Känzler Brothers firm in Bratislava from which Ľ. Mistrík-Ondrejov personally profited. The study provides hitherto unknown fact about both Ľ. Mistrík-Ondrejov’s aryanizations.