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2018 | 34 | 81-102

Article title

Retailing as a development indicator of a cross-border city region – case study of Szczecin in Poland


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Aim/purpose – The purpose of this study was to create the delimitation of Szczecin’s regional retail functions impact range on both Polish and German borderlands. Design/methodology/approach – The aim of this study was achieved by: (a) a social study – carrying out a survey among 326 consumers (West-Pomeranian residents) (b) field research – conducting statistics of vehicle registration plate in five shopping malls in Szczecin and one in Schwedt (city in German borderland), which enabled the re-searcher to create maps of retail interactions and (c) spatial analysis – distribution of shops and shopping malls, inventory of facilities. Findings – The result of the study is a delimitation of three zones (on cross-border area) where Szczecin impact spans considering retail functions and shopping migrations. Research implications/limitations – Results may serve as a basis for determining trends in shopping migrations on researched area. The results of the survey, which give information about cross-border consumer behavior and directions of shopping migrations, constitute a contribution for practitioners. Originality/value/contribution – It is one of a few empirical studies on regional retail functions impact range in the cross-border region.






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