Background: In research of emotional intelligence attempts for operationalization of the construct are of high importance. In the last two decades several measures suitable for the assessment of the phenomenon have been born whose majority explores the perceived level of emotional intelligence. One widely used measure is the Assessing Emotions Scale (AES; SCHUTTE, MALOUFF, et al, 1998), however its factor structure is still unclear. The one-factor structure suggested by the authors was criticized by many other experts proposing multi-factor solutions. The measure has not had a Hungarian version until this time; its measurement model has not been analyzed in Hungarian circumstances. Aim: The aim of our study was the Hungarian adaptation of the scale (AES-HU) and to examine which of the formerly proposed models fit most the empirical data. Method: One-factor, three-factor, four-factor, and six-factor solutions of the AES-HU scale were tested by confirmatory factor analysis on a convenience sample of 702 persons. Results: According to our results unequivocally the three-factor model proved to be the most plausible, however, single- and four-factor solutions cannot be irrevocably disproved either. Discussion: In case of the confirmed three-factor structure authors suggest new factor labels. Namely, the factor structure is better reflected by the labels “Appraisal of Emotions”, “Optimism and Regulation of Emotions” and “Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Utilization of Emotions”.