Poznań preserved rich and interesting legacy of Gothic art and architecture. To a large extent, this legacy has become a part of the Royal-Imperial Route, though it seems to disappear among other historical-artistic themes. The aim of the article is to present Poznań Gothic heritage and to suggest a theme route focusing on this particular style. This route can become an independent tourist product promoting the city not only in the country but it also could, if it were included into the already existing European Route of Brick Gothic, expand the circle of foreign tourists interested in the issue. In Greater Poland (Wielkopolska Region) Gothic architecture, unlike the Romanesque one, still does not have a separate real or virtual route. Even though Gothic architecture of Greater Poland does not match the impressive Gothic architecture of western Europe, its regional specificity and uniqueness, and at the same time artistic links with other regions of Poland through the activity of building workshops from Silesia, Pomerania and Lesser Poland, create connections with the regions’ architecture, so it fully deserves a wide recognition and exposure for the need of domestic and inbound cultural tourism.