Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska and her message are well known to a contemporary Pole. Her personage and work still delight new multitudes of the faithful. Writing about the Divine Mercy St Faustina retains the proper, full of respect distance towards Him , most often naming God the Lord, that is the one who rules over all. The fact that God is the ruler, the king, is so obvious to her that she devotes only some space in her Diary to that aspect, though it pulses in the background of her every utterance concerning God’s Mercy. The analysis of the Diary being a record of St Faustina’s spiritual life permits to draw direct conclusions regarding Christ the King’s position in her spirituality. 1. The Lord God is a very close person to taking pleasure in describing the Mercy of God St Faustina. She feels all-embracing love merged with enormous respect for Him. He is her Bridegroom, and she is His bride. Nevertheless he is also her Lord, Ruler and Creator, and she is nothing but misery alone and His creature. 2. Having defined the range of Jesus the Lord’s royal power, one might ask a question about the consequences of such a fact. Who is St Faustina, or more generally a human being, for whom Christ is the King? What is St Faustina (a human being)’s participation in Christ’s Kingdom? 3. Another issue worth observation are the attributes of the royal authority exposed in the Diary and therefore significant for St Faustina’s spirituality. The conducted analysis allows to state that in St Faustina’s internal life the image of Christ as the King is very expressive and complete. He is shown as the King of the world, the King of heaven, the king of the human heart and soul. His royal authority includes all the adherent attributes, and its consequences for people, as St Faustina describes, lie in belonging as a royal child, and thus a heir having a rightful share in the royal dignity and able to dispose the heritage in order to broaden the Kingdom, to the royal family. What is more, the widening of the Kingdom is the royal child’s duty and not merely a privilege. As for naming Christ with the term of the King of Mercy, the title points out the essence of the royal power in St Faustina’s spirituality and is its characteristic feature.