The article is about searching for cultural authenticity of the Moroccan society – “the country of setting sun” – in the perspective of booming tourism. The first part of the article presents a short characteristic of some chosen aspects of the unusually colorful Moroccan culture. Then, the most important reasons for the disappearance of the genuine face of the country, seized by tourist industry and striving for better future as well as for recognition on the world market, are shown. The attempt to adopt the rules imposed by “the modern times momentum” is often connected with some form of sacrifice as well as the loss of essence of identity and individuality. The next part of the article touches the issue of ethics in tourism. Certain examples help to picture the ethical attitudes visible in the relations between Moroccans and the arriving tourists. Next, the article presents the phenomenon of folclorization and the cultural “show” for tourists, which results from the cultural authenticity disappearance. In the last part of the article, the analysis of a survey carried out among Moroccans is presented. The survey studies the degree of tradition and identity disappearance, as well as the inhabitants’ attitude towards the booming tourism.