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2013 | 3-4(92-93) | 89-100

Article title

Zatrudnienie na czas określony i w niepełnym wymiarze czasu pracy w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach w Polsce na tle krajów UE



Title variants

Flexible Forms of Employment in Small and Medium Enterprises in Poland and Other European Union Countries

Languages of publication



This article presents selected flexible employment arrangements in Poland as compared with other European Union countries. A comparative analysis of incidence of fixed–term and part–time employment contracts has been conducted on the basis of International Labor Organization, Eurostat, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development data. The structure and dynamics of employment in small and medium enterprises is also described and conclusions regarding the potential for application of flexible work arrangements in the SME sector are presented





Physical description


  • Universitas Nicolai Copernici, Toruń, Poland


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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