The catching up with the economic level was very fast in EU-5 in the current decade, however the real convergence slowed down in the recession period (except of Poland), especially in Slovenia and Czech Republic. GDP per capita is the highest in Slovenia and in the Czech Republic, while GDP per employed person in Slovenia and Slovakia. The position of EU-5 (except of Poland) measured by GNI or NNI is worse than that measured by GDP. The RGDI rates of growth show similar results as the GDP ones in 2001 – 2007 except of Slovakia, where they were by 0.5 p. p. lower. The relation of CPL to EU-27 approximated to the relation in GDP per capita. The wage level is still much lower. The aggregate ULC in relation to EU-27 reach from one half in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to more than 60% in the Czech Republic and 90% in Slovenia.