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2013 | 11 | 1(20) | 131-143

Article title

Herezja adaptacji. Przekład a etyka różnicy

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The author analyses the problem of adaptation in literary and Bible translation. The title refers to the famous theoretical statement by Cleanth Brooks, which defined the New Critical approach to the unity of content and form, at the same time ruling out paraphrase as unjustifiable means of interpretation. The New Critical statement is confronted with the translational strategy of adaptation, whose consequences are shown on the basis of the “inclusive” Bible translations which turn a Biblical text into an ideological, genderrelated battlefield and a sphere of ideological manipulation. Against such a background the author briefly presents the translation strategy of a Chinese translator of James Joyce’s Ulysses, Jin Di, whose theory of equivalence underlines the importance of double loyalty (towards the source text as well as towards the target reader) and faithfulness, questioning the logic of adaptation as a strategy of literary translation.








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  • Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała


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