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2013 | 3-4(92-93) | 149-160

Article title

Praktyki i dobre praktyki zarządzania wiekiem w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach



Title variants

Age Management in Practice and Good Practices in Small and Medium Enterprise

Languages of publication



This paper is devoted to the problem of practice and good practices in age management as it relates to the employment of older people. It describes how stereotypes connected with employee age are responsible for a phenomenon called ageism—i.e. certain managerial attitudes and behaviors preventing age management that can be seen as good practices. The paper analyses literature on the practice of age management and presents the selected opinions of managers on managing older employees as derived from the “Research on SMEs in the Mazovia Voivodeship” Report as conducted over the years 2010–2012 at the Kozminski University.





Physical description


  • Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland


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