The article is an attempt to answer a question how modernity is manifested in Belgrade Stories (Beogradske priče) by Simo Matavulj, where city is metonimia of the modernity. On the one hand, a problem will be absorbing us how the entity is getting to know the strange space and expanding its awareness, on the other, problem of artistic announcements of the city’s modernization. Therefore the article constitutes reflection over the way of creating modern image of the city by Matavulj. Recommended attempts of aestetizating space of Belgrade (symbolization of the space, attempts to abandon descriptions where axiological categories are written down) enable to state that such mode of reading of Matavulj short stories which allows to interpretate them is available as „Belgrade text” registering experience of the temporariness. The Matavulj prose is demonstrating prose is demonstrating the process of diverging from the record documenting the city for his aestetical recording, of the writer from the city introduced on the two-dimensional plan to symbolization, to the city considered as space, from the conception as the researcher-observer of the city to the convention of the writer as the author of the myth of the city. This the birth of modern Belgrade as the literary theme.