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2018 | 34 | 128-146

Article title

The conceptualization of the costs projections of metropolis’ space dysfunctionality



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Aim/purpose – The conceptualization of the estimation of spatial dysfunctionality costs. Design/methodology/approach – An innovative method of estimating costs due to spatial dysfunctionality was proposed, including costs directly incurred and the time lost. Findings – A modern system of integrated planning requires costs projections that justify the necessary changes in space and convince the public and competently independent territorial authorities in the metropolis to take them accordingly. The dysfunctionality of space exposes a society to high costs. On the example of the Cracow Metropolitan Area, costs only from commuting to work amount to PLN 114.7 billion (2018-2030). Research implications/limitations – The results of research indicate the geographical directions in which the investments of public authorities operating in the metropolitan area should concentrate. For the accuracy of the projections presented, it would be essential to increase the frequency and scope of Central Statistical Office research on commuting to work. Originality/value/contribution – The presented study is part of a few Polish studies in the field of estimating the costs of spatial phenomena – especially in terms of mobility costs. The proposed method of the research attempts to fill the gap in estimating the costs of commuting by taking into account the costs of car amortization. Thus far, research in the field of travel costs has focused merely on fuel costs.






Physical description


  • Department of Regional Economy. Faculty of Economy and Public Administration. Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland


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