The author devotes his attention to the most recent period of history and the establishment of the so-called documentation centres in Slovakia after 1982, the division of property between the Slovak and Czech republics after 1993 and the effort to transform the Post Office Documentation Centre into a museum. It was a reaction to the long-term absence of cultural institutions, in contrast to the Czech Republic, where the situation was incomparably better. After the origin of the Slovak Republic, the documentation centres actively participated in the division of joint property. However, their position was not equal to that of the museums in the Czech Republic, and this was later expressed in an effort to completely liquidate them. Some of them, for example, the Post Office Documentation Centre, were successfully transformed into museums. In this way, Slovakia gained several technically oriented museums, which are still working to fill in the blank spaces in the documentation of the history of society. The account ends around 1997–2000, when the centre moved to Banská Bystrica and was definitively institutionalized as a museum.