The present paper offers an analysis of The Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15: 8–10), which is discussed from the point of view of the Firbasian theory of functional sentence perspective (FSP). It looks at three different aspects of the discourse, especially in regard to the ideology and aesthetics employed within verbal realisation of the texts. Previous research has indicated (Firbas, 1995, Svoboda, 2006, Hurtova, 2009; cf. Adam, 2006) that the writer's communicative purpose is typically related to the aesthetic function carried by the text, and determines the writer's communicative strategies. The way the sentence is perspectived seems to determine the communicative purpose of the speaker as well as the conveyance of ideology. Special attention is paid to the phenomena of informational density, interpretative potentiality and aesthetic function implemented within the auctorial communicative strategy, and also to the functional comparison of the structure and function of the parable on the one hand, and its corresponding mathematical counterpart, the parabola, on the other.