This study tries to present the full picture of the presence and acceptance of the work of Blaze Koneski in the Slovak linguistic and literary science. Considering the fact that the complete picture of Koneski‘s character in Slovakia has not been studiously presented so far, the research has gained archival character, since we endeavoured to present the available facts, regarding the elaborated phenomenon as much as possible. As a kind of introduction to the reception of the work of Blaze Koneski‘s creative opus in the Slovak Republic, it should be noted that the Macedonian scholar did not fail to exhibit in his own papers, among other things, his very precise and argumentative views on the history and for the development of the Slovak language. It is particularly important in this domain that the view of Koneski for the Slovak language, namely, is almost always set in correlation or in comparison with the situation and the position of the Macedonian language in the historical context.