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2015 | Vol. 10, No 4 | 5-18

Article title

10 Years of Membership in the European Union - Poland in Comparison with the Visegrad Group Countries


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The accession of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries into the European Union was a significant impulse for further changes in those countries; these changes had already been initiated at the beginning of the 1990s, whereas the first years of the membership allowed for the creation of relatively solid and stable foundations for their further development. This paper is an attempt to compare Poland's change of economic situation and that of the other three V4 countries in the postaccession period and to define the most important factors which determine these economic situations. A hypothesis has been made that Poland is among those V4 countries where the effects of the membership have been most diversified. Because of the limitations of the size of the publication, the analysis has been based on the most important indicators characterising the economic situation of the examined countries in 2004-2014. The most important conclusions resulting from this analysis are presented in the conclusions of this paper.(original abstract)


  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland


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