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2012 | 2(85) | 89-100

Article title

Ryzyko nadużyć w przedsiębiorstwie w świetle badań


Title variants

The Risk of Fraud in the Company in Light of Empirical Research

Languages of publication



Trust is the basis of human relations. This applies to both professional and private matters. In looking at business issues, it can be stated that businessmen often meet with the abuse of trust. Such abuse can occur in both in the internal environment (employees) and outside the company (suppliers, customers, and the competition). Tangible losses to the detriment of the employer are the result of commercial crime by long–time employees. Dishonest suppliers and customers can be a major threat to business. The purpose of this study is to identify fraud committed by employees as a major problem in company operations. The author presents the results of research carried out in cooperation with Euler Hermes S.A., an insurance company. The study focuses on the threat stemming from dishonest employees. Information was collected on knowledge held by managers on risk management, in its broad sense, within the organization and managerial staff awareness of the scale of the fraud committed by employees.





Physical description


  • University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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