At present, the main area for international tourism is Europe. However, in connection with the development of new technologies and an increasing investment in the tourism sector in other regions of the world, a systematic increase in the number of tourists, changes in their place of origin and their interests, actually cause a decline in the European share of the global tourism market, thus benefitting other continents. The percentage increase of tourism in the African region seems to be relatively small and insignificant (Africa’s share of world tourism in 2013 was amounted to only 5%), but with an increasing total number of tourists an increase of tourist interest of this region is estimated too. The main purpose of this article is to point out the barriers of tourism development in selected countries in the South African region and to present the concepts which may increase tourist interest to visit these countries. The article presents the results of an international survey. The questionnaire was conducted in three languages (Polish, English, and Spanish) among residents of 26 countries of the world.