The aim of the article is to analyse the ways of using creative music-based activities in the educational process. The authors emphasize the marginal role that art plays in contemporary school, including music. At the same time, they emphasize the need to change this state of affairs, convincing about the huge, unused potential of using music-based activities to build relationships, improve mood, develop creativity and emotional and social competence. The use of musical activities on educational grounds may go beyond the typical activities known from music lessons. Building space for experiencing creative forms of contact with art, expression, spontaneous singing or improvisation, enabling multi-sensory art experience, can result in measurable benefits for both students and the teacher, being the answer to the challenges of modern education. An additional benefit of conducting such classes is the opportunity to observe the functioning of students, ways of coping with social situations, and assumed roles in the group. The article presents practical examples of the implementation of musical activities under the “ZA PROGIEM – wyprawy odkrywców project. The reactions of children participating in these activities testify to their great commitment, they also show that properly selected musical activities can have a positive impact on the child's behaviour in a very short time. Conclusions from the implementation of the activities under the project indicate that music-based – or more broadly art-based – activities, present so far, in the presented form, in pedagogy to a very limited extent, may prove to be an effective tool to support teachers’ work and student development.