The author of the article considers the causes of Polish school crisis paying particular attention to teaching practice. School diagnosis starts with interpretation of the theatre performance Mury I (Walls I) and Mury II (Walls II), presented by a secondary school students the day of grand opening of The Tenth All-Poland Pedagogical Forum. In pupils’ perception, school is transmissive, directed towards implementation of curriculum, standards and external measurement of learning effects, which causes strong pressures on pupils’ school performance. School builds up walls around young people’s development needs and using authority, doesn’t allow democratic values to enter its gates. Consequently, the author of the article poses the question about the purpose of educational reforms introduced after political-economic system transformation in Poland. The author also turns attention to commitment of academic pedagogy to form the foundation for humanistic, personalistic basis of education and to democratise education process. Nevertheless, the subsequent authority elites ignored axionormative basics of reforming education, sharpening the understanding of social change in economic terms. The change of school everyday life depends on many factors, but the author of the article reminds, that building teaching practice on values shapes both current and future human relations, which belongs to the principles of education.