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2018 | 8(1) | 46-54

Article title

Organizational culture in nursing teams based on the example of a particular hospital


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Introduction: Organizational culture is a social issue reflecting opinions, behavior or attitudes of members of a particular organization. It determines a sense of identity of the people employed and designates durability and functioning of the system approved in a given organization. While acknowledging that organizational culture is a factor distinguishing a particular unit, the main purpose of the study is the diagnosis of the dominant type of organizational culture in a particular residential facility functioning in the West Pomeranian region of Poland. Materials and methods: The study was conducted by the diagnostic survey method and the use of standardized OCAI tool. 122 nurses who were working in the researched facility took part in the study. Results: The results indicate that chosen nursing teams, which were employed within the facility, determine hierarchical type as the dominant one (48% of all interviewed). While at the same time indicating the clan culture as the appropriate as the future one (about 66% of all interviewed). Conclusions: Research data analysis confirms common opinions about Polish healthcare sector. According to it, facility’s functioning is based on characteristic features of hierarchical type of culture such as: high level of formality, significant endurance and the need of predictability. At the same time the results point at the changes expected by the representatives of nursing environment described in literature as the clan culture. Nonetheless, in order to make such a huge organizational change efficiently, two factors seem to be indispensable: a sufficient quantity of nursing personnel and a high level managerial skills of the nursing team’s management staff. Unfortunately, as for today, reaching the satisfactory level seems impossible in both cases.





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