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2019 | 33(33) | 95-116

Article title

Military aircraft, ballistic missiles and maneuver rockets as effective means of deterring the potential enemy


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In this article, the authors focus on the possibilities of realization and implementation in the national deterrence strategy, paying particular attention to measures that could create a state’s military potential in this area. The article’s aim is to reveal the need to build a deterrence strat-egy in Poland as a necessary element for the implementation of security policy in a changing international environment and the possibility of its implementation with the current potential of the state. In order to determine the possibility of building the military capacity of the deter-rence strategy, the authors reviewed the quantitative and qualitative measures of air robbery and their impact on its implementation. In addition, they proposed a framework for a strategy for the use of military deterrence measures using the concept of the J. Warden. This is carried out based on analysis of the possibilities of the tactical-technical modern means of air attack and means of destruction.



Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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