Purpose:It is expected that H. pylori residing outside the stomach influences the results of the stool test. The aim of the study was to investigate the occurrence of H. pylori antigens in dental plaque and feces of the patients with H. pylori infected and non-infected stomachs.Materials and methods: The study was conducted in 188 dentate patients, 107 with H. pylori infected and 81 non-infected stomachs. Stomach infection with H. pylori was evaluated with CLO test, histology and culture. The stomach was classified as infected if at least two of three tests (CLO test, culture, histology) were positive and as non-infected if all three tests were negative. Dental plaque was taken only from the natural teeth. On the day of the gastroscopic examination or on the next two days a stool sample was collected for H. pylori antigens testing. H. pylori antigens in dental plaque and feces were determined by immunological method.Results:In 60.8% of subjects with an infected stomach, H. pylori antigens were present both in the dental plaque and feces, in 37.4% in feces only, in 0.9% only in the dental plaque, and in 0.9% neither in the dental plaque nor feces. In 46.9% of subjects with a non-infected stomach, H. pylori antigens were found neither in the dental plaque nor feces, in 24.7% both in the dental plaque and feces, in 23.5% only in the dental plaque, and in 4,9% only in feces.Conclusions: There is a weak association between the occurrence of H. pylori antigens in feces and the dental plaque, and also between the occurrence of the antigens in the dental plaque and stomach infection.