The purpose of this research was to compare the frequency of the occurrence of risky behaviour and the level of self-efficiency feeling of youth in the period of late adolescence brought up in families of different structure. The structure of a family turned out not to have an important influence on a general feeling of self-efficiency of the examined youth brought up in complete and incomplete families. Risky behaviour which includes missing classes and using intoxicating substances: nicotine, alcohol, drugs, do not differ significantly in the frequency range in the compared groups. However, the quantitative analysis of the results shows more frequent use of legal highs by youth brought up in complete families. The results obtained did not prove the initial assumptions concerning a greater exposure to the possibility of the occurrence of risky behaviour among youth brought up in incomplete families. However, they indicate a higher frequency of occurrence of selected risky behaviour in adolescents from complete families, which prompts further analysis of the factors conditioning this phenomenon. It seems especially important to take into consideration the additional variables which should include: - time devoted to young people by parents fulfilling educational tasks alone or with a partner; - parental attitudes presented by parents.