An increasing number of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are characterized by an excess of body weight. The impact of overweight and obesity on motor skills in this population is ambiguous. The study aimed to review the impact of overweight and obesity on the physical fitness of adults with intellectual disabilities. The study covered 128 people with ID: 70 women (W) and 58 men (M); 62 people with moderate intellectual disabilities and 66 people with severe intellectual disabilities. The following measurements were taken: body mass (BM), body height (BH), and waist circumference (WC). BMI was calculated. The physical fitness level was assessed with the Eurofit Special test. Obesity and overweight were found in 37% and 24% of W and 39% and 22% of M respectively; in 40% and 17% of people with moderate ID and 36% and 28% of people with severe ID respectively. Significant negative correlations between speed and BMI and WC, and between core muscle strength and WC were found in women. In men, negative correlations were found: between core muscle strength and BM, BMI, and WC; between flexibility and BM, BMI, and WC; between lower extremity muscle strength and BMI and WC; and between balance and BMI. Further, obese men had significantly lower scores compared to the normal weight sample in the following tests: balance (T1), lower extremity muscle strength (T2), speed (T4), and core muscle strength (T6). The study showed a relationship between obesity and scores in physical fitness tests. More relationships were found in men than women and in people with severe ID than moderate ID.