Studies systematically show that cynical hostility is associated with a number of psychologicalconstructs and health outcomes. This research emphasizes its role concerningsocial relations and hopelessness. It is hypothesized that seeking social support willmediate the relationship between cynical hostility and hopelessness among universitystudents. Two hundred and forty four participants (151 women, 89 men, 4 persons whodid not report gender) took part in this study, M = 21.33; SD = 2.80. The original hypothesiswas partially confirmed. Seeking emotional (but not instrumental) support wasa partial mediator of studied association. The following results are part of the researchinto cynical hostility and its consequences. In the perspective of current tendencies itseems necessary to examine it in terms of its impact on the areas of life which are notconnected only with health but especially those related to interactions with other people.The definition itself indicates that a hostile attitude towards others and the lack oftrust do not foster cooperation, satisfactory relationships, and thus do not build socialcapital and economic development.