The article presents considerations related to future directions of Interpol’s development, that is one of the criticalinstitutions of the global security system. Development directions are determined before all by Member States’ assessmentof effectiveness and legality of Interpol’s operational activities. However, in comparison to the practical cooperationof police forces vast improvement is required in relations to legal sphere of Interpol. There is no doubt that the effectivenessof the Interpol. The organisation operating in transnational dimension has to possess a proper legal status. Interpol,in the opinion of some experts in the field of international law, does not have the optimal legal solutions and the appropriateratio for the national law of the Member States. The weakest point of Interpol is outdated and ineffective legal basis foraction. For this reason, the sine qua non conditio for the further development of Interpol is to provide the organisation withspecific legal position, which would be proper to the uniqueness of tasks that are being carried out (including the adoptionof appropriate solutions for the privileges and immunity of Interpol and its staff in a uniform manner in all the MemberStates). There is also a need to harmonize internal normative acts of the organization — including the Constitution of Interpoland the General Regulations, the interpretation of which causes a lot of confusion regarding the legal status and the natureof membership in Interpol.