The interests of children are of paramount importance, therefore it is sometimes necessary for the authorities to interfere in matters relating to their custody, when a child is likely to have been wrongfully removed or retained in breach of the rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any other body (child abduction). Therefore a number of international and European Union legal acts impose on national legislators the obligation to introduce mechanisms involving central authorities into cooperation with each other and promoting cooperation amongst the competent authorities in their respective states to make proper discoveries to secure the prompt return of children. For this purpose, the Law of 26 January 2018 on the exercise of certain acts of the central authority in family matters relating to legal transactions under European Union law and international agreements was adopted. Pursuant to its provisions, Police offi cers shall, by virtue of their specifi c powers, assist the central authority and the courts on matters relating to the abduction of minors abroad. Their role is mainly linked to providing the authorities with relevant information, assisting the probation offi cer, and searching the place where the minor is presumed to be living.